
Cant Wait To See You Poems

I can’t wait to see you

I can not wait
to be able to see you
soft feel if your lips
against mine
paste my body
against the wishes
And to warm up
while sticking you
because you count much to me
I love you

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I can not wait to see you

Cant Wait To See You Poems

I would like to be near you Cross my fingers in your fingers
Lay my head on your shoulder Exchange
sweet and sweet kisses Take turns We would just have to love each other like crazy
Laugh at nothing and everything Savor these minutes of pleasure
And stay for hours to be owned I can’t wait to … see you …

I miss you I can’t stop thinking about you you are the one who knew
conquer my heart the one with whom I share all my secrets
you are the flower of my heart the ray of my days the light of my nigh
it’s with you that I want to spend my life you’re the one I love
the one who is beautiful like a goddess and day by day my heart beats
more and more just for you I want us to be together
just you and me I want to be happy with you
and never be apart If you knew how I can’t wait
to touch you and grab you, to meet your gaze and see your smile
if you knew how much I can’t wait to hug you
and your eyes are just me.
I miss you I love you

cant wait to see you poems


I think of you,
Every morning, every noon, every evening.
I see your chest again,
As if my head was resting on your shoulder.
I can hear your heart beating in my ear from here,
I still feel the texture of your skin under my fingers,
Also, I see them playing with your fleece,
Running on your skin
Looking for a place or tickling you.

I still smell your scent,
Like my nose is in your neck.
I still feel your breath on my neck
As if I was sleeping in your arms.
I see your eyes again, so blue, so laughing …
I see your lips, your smiles …
And, I miss you.
I can’t wait to find you, to hug you,
to touch you, to be able to look at you.
There aren’t enough words
To tell you how much I miss everything about you I can’t
wait to get back to you.


I can’t wait
To be able to see you
Feel your lips so soft
Against mine
To stick my body
against yours
And to be able to warm me
While sticking
you Because you mean a lot
To me
I love you
And I will love you for the rest

I can’t wait…

…to be with you again.

I dream of finding your kisses again,

to feel your heart beat

all against mine

and exchange secrets

that belong only to the two of us.

I want to laugh and love you in the sweetness

of shared silence.

You haunt my dreams and thoughts.

If you knew how much I miss you

and how much I can’t wait to find you…


I need to see you

this is my hope

I can’t wait to hear you

I’m so tired of waiting

I’m hungry for your last poem

even if it doesn’t rhyme with “I love you”

I want to make you laugh

to pick up your new smile

If sometimes you bite me,

I don’t know of such a delicious burn

Let’s forget the past

and its some morosities

to look to the future

endlessly …

There is no way of joy

who does not pass through the cross

The greater will be our suffering

the richer will be our rebirth

You are my friend

for life

the greatest present

in my current lifetime

Let’s walk forward!

If Heaven is somewhere here below

I know mine is very close to you

I miss you, but by pride, I am silent

And, I can’t wait to see you
I can’t wait to be able to see you
feel your lips so soft against mine
to stick my body against yours
And to be able to warm myself while sticking
you because you mean a lot to me I will love

see you again

 soon I will be able to see you again, all beautiful and wonderful

 because I miss you and I’m very anxious to see your beauty that I absolutely sorely missed

I’d like to see your body angel, whom I will soon invade all my love 

 you are the only one in this monque that matters a lot to me because I love

 you you are my future in this world because I really want you to know that you are my only love

 I always have your image in my memory which fills with sweetness Thinking of you

 without you, there is no respite from wondering what is happening to you there far from me

 you are my sun, my reason for living my only love in this life

 I want to make you happy, to offer you the happiness that you have sought so much in this incredulous world 

 I count every hour, every minute, every second that remains to me to finally find you to

be in your arms, to smell your sweet smell of rose because without you I’m nothing in this world

because you mean a lot to me

Cant Wait To See You Poems Video