
What Happens When You Ignore a Manipulator?


Manipulators are everywhere, and most of us have dealt with one at some point in our lives. Manipulation is a form of emotional abuse, but it’s not always easy to spot. You may be manipulated without even realizing that someone has control over your emotions and behavior. Often, the manipulator will try to make you feel guilty or insecure by saying things like: “You’re so angry all the time,” or “You can’t even do this simple task right.” But what exactly happens when you ignore their manipulation tactics?

They Start to Feel Your Power

If you recognize that a manipulator’s behavior is a form of control, and you start to resist it by not giving in to his or her demands, manipulators will feel their control slipping away. Manipulators gain power by making others feel powerless (or weak or guilty) so that the manipulator feels strong and in control. As you stop playing into this dynamic, you begin taking back your power from them—and they don’t like it!

Manipulators will try to make you feel guilty for protecting yourself: “If I don’t let my ex-boyfriend come over now and then, he’ll think I’m horrible.” Or they’ll create distance between you and others: “Why are we always fighting?” Or they’ll use every tool at their disposal, including trying to persuade you that your actions were wrong: “You know how depressed your father gets when he doesn’t see me every week.”

They Realize They Can’t Control You

When you ignore a manipulator, they will be forced to face the truth. The only way they can maintain their control over you is by keeping up the façade that they have control over themselves. When this façade crumbles and they have no choice but to take responsibility for their own actions, it’s like a slap in the face. It forces them to accept that they are not in control of you or your life—but also, it forces them to accept that they aren’t puppets either! They learn that there are bigger forces at work than just them and their words.

They May Try to Befriend You

When the manipulator fails to get their way, they may try to befriend you. They’ll start by seeming like they’re your friend and then use that relationship as a means to gain access to information or resources that help them achieve their goals. It’s not uncommon for a manipulator to try making you feel guilty so that you give into their demands.

In short, they’ll do anything they can in order to create distance between yourself and others who may be able to intervene or interfere with their plans. It’s also likely that the manipulator will play the victim in order persuade you that your actions were wrong and make it seem like it was all just an honest mistake on your part!

Ignoring a manipulator can have various outcomes.

Ignoring a manipulator can have various outcomes. If you’re lucky, they might get bored and move on to another target. Another possibility is that they will try even harder to get your attention and are more likely to resort to manipulative techniques such as guilt trips or shaming.

If you’re going through a crisis and need support, ignoring them will only make the situation worse. As the crisis deepens, so does their manipulation because it’s now being used in an attempt for attention and for control over you. Some manipulators may be able to see how much damage this behavior is causing in their lives but continue with it anyway because they can’t stop themselves from doing so!

The manipulator may get bored and move on to another target.

If a manipulator is trying to control you and you don’t give in, the manipulator may get bored and move on to another target. This is why they tend to switch up their targets. Manipulators are often bored, so they look for new sources of entertainment whenever possible. It’s not that they’ve lost interest in you; rather, it means that what you’re doing is working!

Your reaction has thrown them off their game and made them rethink their plan of attack. They’ll either drop you altogether or try a different tactic on someone else (who may be more vulnerable than yourself). So rest easy knowing that your refusal to play into their hands puts them at an unnecessary disadvantage—and shows them who’s really got the power here!

You’re much less likely to get sucked into an argument.

The best way to deal with a manipulator is to not engage them at all. If you’re constantly arguing with someone who is trying to manipulate you, it’s likely that they’ll continue doing so until you either get fed up and leave—or give in. It’s also important to note that manipulators will often try to create distance between themselves and others. This may mean treating their victim coldly or suddenly ignoring them altogether. Manipulators may even attempt to convince their victims that their actions were wrong in an effort for the victim to be more susceptible for future manipulation attempts.

The manipulator is forced to face the truth.

It’s true that manipulators are not always aware of their own behavior. Manipulators use manipulation to avoid taking responsibility, and oftentimes they don’t realize they’re doing it. They may try to get you to believe that you are the one with the problem, which serves as a cover for their own insecurity and self-hatred.

The manipulator will try to divert attention from themselves by making you feel guilty, angry or afraid; at this point it is up to YOU how YOU respond! The manipulator cannot be effective if YOU don’t let THEM control YOUR responses… so DON’T LET THEM!!

It will cause a crisis.

In an attempt to regain control, the manipulator will do something drastic. The manipulator will likely create a crisis by doing things like:

  • Refuse to communicate with you
  • Not show up as promised
  • Begin dating or having sex with other people in front of you
  • Start violations of special rules (e.g., spending too much time on social media) that were set up especially for them in order to protect yourself from manipulation and abuse

They will try to make you feel guilty.

If you ignore a manipulator, they will try to make you feel guilty. They may do this by asking for favors and then not following through with them. This is the most common tactic that manipulators use when trying to get their way and make it seem like their demands are reasonable. If someone asks you to do something, don’t feel bad about saying no! They may also try calling or texting repeatedly, asking if they can come over or if they can borrow something of yours. They may even pretend that they’re feeling unworthy around other people in an attempt to guilt-trip you into helping them out.

If this happens, just be firm: “No.”

They will try to create distance between you and others.

Manipulators will try to create distance between you and other people. They may make you feel guilty for being close to others, or they may try to convince you that no one else understands what it’s like to be in your situation. They will also use this tactic as a way to make themselves seem like the only person who cares about you, which is a surefire way of gaining more control over your life!

They will play the victim and try to persuade you that your actions were wrong.

Manipulators can be found in personal relationships, business relationships, and even in politics. But they share some common characteristics: They are often bullied at heart; they use a variety of tactics to control and manipulate others, and they will try to persuade you that your actions were wrong.

If you find yourself in a situation where someone is trying to manipulate you into doing something you don’t want to do or giving up something important to you without getting something in return, then it’s best not to ignore them. Ignoring manipulators shows them that what they’re doing doesn’t work—and that’s very empowering!

They may tell others how badly you treat them to reinforce the idea that they always need defensive measures.

They may tell others how badly you treat them to reinforce the idea that they always need defensive measures.

They might do this in person, or they could use social media to spread their message. This can be a powerful tool for an emotional manipulator because it allows them to promote their own agenda while simultaneously creating distance between you and other people who might otherwise show support. Remember that your relationship with an emotional manipulator is not normal, so any interactions with others will likely have been tainted by the manipulation. If someone is pressuring you about how wonderful your abuser is, take it as a sign that your relationship with this person has already been corrupted by manipulation tactics and walk away from it immediately!

No matter what they do, they will be motivated by a desire to control you.

No matter what they do, they will be motivated by a desire to control you. They may try to control your behavior, the situation, the conversation, or even the topic of discussion. To them all outcomes are acceptable if it means that they have successfully manipulated you into doing something that benefits them.

Manipulators are often bullies at heart, so ignoring them can be a powerful tool in making them stop.

Manipulators are often bullies at heart, so ignoring them can be a powerful tool in making them stop. Bullies are threatened by the power of silence. If you refuse to acknowledge their words and actions, they will feel powerless and defeated. They may try even harder to get you to react, but eventually they will give up when they realize that nothing they say or do is gaining any traction with you or anyone else around them.

By ignoring manipulators, we are telling them that their actions don’t actually affect us in any way and that we won’t let them control our lives. It’s like taking back control of your own life when someone else was trying to dictate how things should go!

What does it mean to be manipulative?

What does it mean to be manipulative?

The word “manipulation” gets thrown around a lot, but what does it really mean? Manipulation is the use of influence in order to control others. This can be conscious or unconscious, and often stems from insecurity or a desire for power. When someone is trying to manipulate you, they’re attempting to control your actions by getting inside your head so that you’ll do what they want without realizing. If you’ve ever had an argument with someone where they were trying their best not to listen as much as possible (and instead focus on making themselves look good), then this person was probably being manipulative with their behavior in some way.

How do you stop being manipulated?

Here are some ways you can stop being manipulated:

  • Don’t engage with the manipulator. If a family member, friend or coworker is trying to manipulate you, don’t respond to them in any way. Ignore them completely and don’t give them the reaction they want from you.
  • Don’t try to reason with them. It’s not possible to reason with a manipulator because they’re not interested in having an honest dialogue but only using their words as weapons against you. They’ll twist your words around until it looks like what they’re doing is justified and it’s totally reasonable for them to act this way toward you! So don’t even bother trying to explain yourself either—just keep quiet until they decide they’ve had enough fun at your expense (which may never happen).

Can ignoring a manipulator actually work?

Yes, it can work. But it’s not always easy to ignore a manipulator. In some situations, you’ll simply have to stand your ground and make a point of letting the manipulator know that his or her behavior is unacceptable.

In other situations, you may be able to walk away from the situation without anyone knowing about what happened—and that’s an ideal outcome for anyone who wants to avoid conflict altogether.

It depends on how much you want this person in your life (or at least in your social circle), but also whether he or she is worth keeping around even if he or she continues with their manipulative behavior. If someone already has power over you (because of gender, race, age) then ignoring them might feel like giving up—but if this person isn’t going away anytime soon and won’t change their ways no matter what actions we take against them then maybe we should just try being honest instead of trying so hard to avoid conflict at all costs?

How do you know if someone is manipulating you?

The first thing to look for is whether or not the person is always right. Manipulators are often very convincing, so it can be hard to recognize the ways in which they’re twisting reality. But if you pay attention, you might notice that they’re constantly making excuses or blaming others for everything that goes wrong. They might seem like they know everything about everything, even though their knowledge is limited only to their own experiences and opinions.

Next, see if the manipulator seems in control of every situation. Does this person get upset if things don’t go his way? Does he insist on having his way even when it would be better for everyone involved if he gave up some control? A manipulator has no interest in compromise or cooperation; his goal is always to manipulate others into doing what he wants them to do by any means necessary—even if those means aren’t fair or ethical (or legal).

How can you get back at a manipulator?

  • Ignore them. Don’t give them what they want, and don’t let them make you feel guilty or bad about yourself. Don’t let the manipulator make you feel insecure, or like a victim.
  • Manipulators will try to get people to feel sorry for them, so that their victims will give in and do whatever it is that they want done.
  • A good way to avoid this trap is by not allowing yourself to be affected by any of the manipulator’s emotional blackmail attempts. If someone says “I’m going to kill myself if you don’t let me borrow your car/have sex/whatever else” then just say no!

Is manipulation emotional abuse?

Manipulation is a form of emotional abuse. It can be hard to tell what is manipulation and what’s just a difference of opinion, but if someone is trying to control or influence you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, it’s likely they are manipulating you.

Manipulators may not be intending to harm you emotionally, but their actions might still cause damage. For example, if your friend keeps asking for favors even though they know they’re asking too much and that it’s stressing you out. The problem isn’t always obvious—sometimes manipulators seem like good people who are simply struggling with issues like anxiety or depression themselves. But even if the person who manipulates others isn’t aware that their behavior hurts others (or says sorry after hurting someone), the outcome will likely be negative for everyone involved.

Are manipulators insecure?

There are many reasons why a person might feel the need to manipulate others, but the most common reason is insecurity.

Manipulators feel insecure about themselves and their surroundings, so they try to compensate by controlling others. They want to be in control of every situation and don’t like it when other people get in their way.

The problem with this strategy is that you can’t control everything around you – there will always be things beyond your control – which leaves manipulators feeling out of control, even more so than they were before they started manipulating others!

What are the signs of a manipulative child?

  • A child who is manipulative is a master of their craft, so you won’t always see their manipulation when it happens. They’ll be good at covering their tracks and putting on the appearance of innocence when they get caught in a lie or some other kind of misbehavior. They know how to play people against each other, too: if one person figures out what they’re doing, they’ll move on and find someone else to manipulate until no one trusts them anymore. If you suspect your child might be manipulative, keep an eye on him or her for signs like these:
  • Lack of empathy toward others
  • A tendency to control situations through charm and persuasion rather than honesty or hard work

Can a narcissist change?

Can a narcissist change?

The short answer is probably not. In most cases, the answer to “can narcissists change” is simply “no.” Narcissists are unlikely to change because they don’t want to. They aren’t interested in changing themselves or their behavior, and they certainly aren’t interested in your feelings. They may be interested in changing how others see them, but this doesn’t mean that they have any intention of actually becoming more empathetic people—it just means that they’re trying to maintain their image as someone who cares about others’ opinions of them (which isn’t really caring at all). If a narcissist’s behavior causes problems for them (i.e., if it hurts their reputation), there’s a chance they’ll try something different; however, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you should expect some miraculous transformation into a loving boyfriend or girlfriend!

Manipulators feel powerless, and they gain their power by making others feel powerless.

Manipulators feel powerless, and they gain their power by making others feel powerless. Sometimes manipulators can be difficult to spot, because they often have a high opinion of themselves. They’re not afraid of anything or anyone—that is, until you stand up for themselves.

The moment you stop letting your manipulator get away with their behavior, they become afraid that others will do the same thing. That fear is what makes them lash out at others for standing up against them.


The key to ignoring a manipulator is to realize that they will never change. They do not want to change, because if they did, they wouldn’t be able to manipulate others. By keeping your distance and refusing to engage with them, you are sending them a clear message that their actions are unacceptable and won’t be tolerated any longer.