
Paper Anniversary Meaning

First Wedding Anniversary Or ​​the Paper Weddings Meaning

The Paper Weddings, although they have a fragile and not very ostentatious name, represent precisely the first year of marriage. It is the first time that married people are going to celebrate an anniversary of this type and perhaps they have not even gotten used to referring to the other as “my husband” or “my wife.” Here, you will know paper anniversary meaning.

It is also the first time that the couple will significantly commemorate what was the happiest day of their life and it will help them to look back and take stock of their union since that day. The meaning of Paper Weddings, therefore, is vital for marriage and therefore, the way to celebrate it must be very special.

Many compare this moment precisely to a blank paper on which the couple still have a lot of history ahead of them to write . However, this same role is still fragile and could be broken at any moment by the problems of everyday life so the couple has to remain strong and rely on love and trust.

paper anniversary meaning

The theme related to this anniversary is paper. It is a fragile material and in the face of adversity (wind or water) it can get lost and get wet. Damaged irreparably. For this reason this material represents the first year of marriage.

Some also liken it to a blank book, with the whole story of your love pending to write.

Surely you are beginning to get used to living as a couple, you must learn to distribute household chores and make joint decisions . In depending on what relationships it is not an easy task.

The first year of marriage the marriage becomes known, each one has customs and oddities inherited from life with their parents. Taking into account that during courtship people are sometimes idealized, it is now that most couples really start living together.

Paper Anniversary Meaning

For this reason, in this first year of marriage, sometimes the first disappointments arise. Discovering the difficulty that the coexistence of both supposes and face the problems of daily life.

However, these are times when the love between the two is through the roof, you have to take advantage of this situation to face these difficulties and get ahead.

So it is important to celebrate the first year of marriage and remember that you have started a journey together. Filling it with love and trust while maintaining a certain empathy while sacrificing your individual preferences to weigh more those of your partner.

Paper Anniversary Meaning


Traditional gift – UKPaper
Traditional gift – USAPaper
Traditional gift – SpainPaper
Traditional gift – GermanyPaper
Traditional gift – RussiaCotton
Traditional gift – FranceCotton
Traditional gift – ItalyPaper
Flower giftThought
Gemstone giftPearl
Modern giftClock


According to tradition, the couple must exchange gifts made with the anniversary material they are celebrating. In this case, the spouses have to turn to paper to show each other how special it is to celebrate that first year of marriage.

  • A diary. It may seem like an old-fashioned gift because today and since computers appeared, very few people write old-fashioned diaries. However, it can serve to capture the best memories of this first year of marriage between the two of you and make it become something very special for both of you.
  • Some photographs. Here there are several options that depend on the creativity of the couple. This could be a very special framed photo, or maybe even a collage of several photos that reflect the first year of marriage. You can also do a photo session to choose one and frame it in an original frame like this:
  • A notebook. This gift can be practical as well as romantic. It is a notebook in which the couple can leave the daily notes, small messages of love or whatever they want to say to each other when they cannot do it in person. Surely as time goes by they will love to read it.
  • A poem . If it is a romantic couple, this may be the most classic but also the most successful gift. The gift can be a poem that reflects your relationship or your feelings, but it can also be original verses.
  • A story . This gift derives from the previous one. If the couple is not very fond of poetry, perhaps they can write a story about their first year of marriage in which they explain to the other how they have lived it and what it has meant to them.
  • A paper craft. Although this gift may seem only suitable for crafters, surely the couple appreciates the efforts that the other has made to learn how to make a beautiful paper figure that has meaning for both of them. It can also serve as a decoration for Paper Weddings, for example at breakfast, dinner, or as gifts scattered around the house.
  • A custom illustration . Another idea is to commission an illustration from a cartoonist of the couple’s taste. It is a different way of expressing your love and it is also a very decorative accessory for the home.

Did you know…Wedding anniversaries have the names of different materials and the meaning of Paper Weddings refers to the fragility as it is the first year of marriage.

Paper Anniversary Meaning


But it’s not all about the exchange of gifts between the couple but also about everything they can do together to commemorate their first year of marriage.

It is obvious that it is a very special occasion for which they have to take care of all the details, even asking for the day off if possible to be able to dedicate themselves to each other.

  • Watching videos and photos : Spending the day with special food and drinks watching the photos and videos of that day, commenting on every detail, laughing or even crying with the memories will be an unforgettable way for the couple to celebrate the Paper Weddings.
  • Having breakfast in bed: Yes, it is a classic, but on this day it takes on a special meaning when it comes to Paper Weddings, the first year since that perfect day when the couple was united forever. Whoever prepares breakfast should make sure it is for two because the idea is to share it in bed and start the day with a smile and maximum relaxation.
paper anniversary meaning
  • Second honeymoon: Why not take a trip, a getaway to celebrate the first year of marriage? Many couples even return to the place where they were on their honeymoon to remember those days and others take the opportunity to discover new places together. It doesn’t have to be a long or expensive trip: it’s about making time for both of you and commemorating your first year of marriage in a special way.

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  • Romantic dinner: No matter how busy the day has been, no matter how many things are in your head … at least you have to take time and humor for a romantic dinner, a finishing touch to the Paper Weddings that will make the couple leave to bed with a smile on his lips. It could be a dinner that the two of you have prepared together at home or maybe a trip to a new restaurant or to that place where you met for the first time, where one proposed marriage to the other, or where they kissed for the first time.
  • A surprise: Paper Weddings are also a good day to do something crazy together, something that they have never done and that they want to share. It can be anything from a hot air balloon ride to a parachute jump to a limousine ride through the city or some outdoor adventure.
paper anniversary meaning


Although on this day the couple decides to remain alone and not celebrate a party with those closest to them, they can make an effort to decorate the house in a special way or even to surprise each other either in the morning, in the afternoon or at night. Get back from work.

One idea is to fill helium balloons to which photos from the wedding or perhaps the first year of marriage have been attached . It will be fun to move among them and rediscover those little moments that make Paper Weddings so special.

Honoring the name of this anniversary, you can create various types of decoration using simply paper: cut out letters with the names of both and put them in a visible part of the house, make filigree to decorate the walls, create figures with origami to give a special touch to dinner… Paper has a lot more possibilities than we think.

paper anniversary meaning


Finally, we leave some examples of phrases for Paper Weddings that can be used to congratulate the couple celebrating their anniversary but also so that they can express what they feel in such a special moment.

  • Each journey begins with a step and this first section is a part of the way that remains to be traveled
  • You are sowing the seeds of a future of trust, encounter and mutual learning
  • We wish joy and love to be the daily bread in this marriage
  • Today we celebrate our first wedding anniversary and I thank you for allowing me to know and share for a whole year the happiness and happiness that I thought I would never achieve.
  • I knew that fairy tales can become reality when you entered my life and that is why I want to show you all my love through these simple words: happy anniversary
  • The most beautiful love verses, the most just laws and the most beautiful stories of commitment and friendship were written on paper. The plans of the most solid projects are also drawn on paper. Congratulations!
  • A whole year has passed since the day you got married and during this time you have learned that love is fueled by respect, honesty and tolerance.
  • Today your paper weddings are celebrated, an occasion of joy and hope to enjoy love. Receive our congratulations on this date and our deepest wishes that yours will be a happy union that lasts forever.
  • My love, today we celebrate our first wedding anniversary and life continues to smile on us like the first day: loving you is so simple that it is impossible for me to understand my life without your presence by my side.
  • I want our happiness to last for many more years and I want to make you a promise of fidelity, love and admiration. Thank you for being who you are, happy first anniversary.

Paper Anniversary Meaning Video