
Love Letter Poem

1.But one morning when you woke up
your gaze, I saw your face
and I couldn’t take it anymore and I followed you,
my heart laughed again,
now everything is different;
a different shared path
in which there is total peace
and I hear a voice of encouragement
that feeds my feelings
and gives happiness

2. You light up my world,
And you make me forget all my fears,
Your laughter lights up my days,
And drives away all my pain.
You are my dream come true,
the most beautiful of all;
Because only you can make me feel
happy anyway.
My heart beats at least a million times,
Whenever you cross my mind, with each beat, of illusion and love you supply it.
You make me believe blindly,
In this love that I have found.
And I promise you that I will never neglect
the most beautiful thing that has happened to me.

Poetic Love Letters

Table of Contents

3. I love you water heart I am a prisoner of your waterfall of smiles. Your name rains on my skin Like a chain of flowers. Only you suspend my voice in your sighs And in your soft imaginary time Rumbles a rose flag. The transparency of your dreams Gallops on my shadowy path

4. Soft were your words, sounds that dreamed dreams that enlightened seas that signified your presence, looks that pretended to possess you, secrets of love in soft voices, were the feelings in your mouth, how could something of yours not be soft?

Read more Love Letter To My Wife Far Away

5. What color is a feeling? The answer is in the silence in contemplating you and looking at you in knowing that you exist in being able to think of yourself in the evening dreaming of a feeling is love but without color, only the color that feeling you has.

6. You clean my sadness, you are joy with you, everything is a smile, you dye life with joyful colors, you are joy with you, I am happy, I am happy without fear of anything, you are my joy.

7. A kiss from your mouth, two caresses I would give you, three hugs that show four times my joy and in the fifth symphony of my sixth thought, seven times I would tell you the eight letters of I love you, because nine times I live for you and ten times For you, I die

8. I love you water heart I am a prisoner of your waterfall of smiles. Your name rains on my skin Like a chain of flowers. Only you suspend my voice in your sighs And in your soft imaginary time Rumbles a rose flag. The transparency of your dreams Gallops on my path of shadows I love you heart of water.

9. Your smile illuminates me, makes me cry, your smile makes me fall in love, screams passion, speaks to me of love, your smile smiles at me and fills me with you.

Love Letter Poem

Love Poems And Letters

10. In your face I see things that I did not see in others I see that your laugh is short, that your eyes dazzle me and I feel protected when only you look at me. Your words hurt me because they want friendship and I don’t know how to tell you, that although I realized later I really love you. Do not say you love me, as one more friend, I do not need friends for that you are not there. In your face I see things that in others I did not see I see that you feel something and my life is on your way.

11. What can I do if I love you What can I do if I feel this inexplicable love. This love is so great that it will never end. Day and night I am thinking dreaming of you. Never doubt this love. There are not enough words to describe this love. What can I do, if this passion that I have is inside me and it will never pass. My great love. My adoration is you. What can I do if I live madly in love. I live for you.

12. When I thought that there was no place for love, When I believed that illusions bled to death the moment hope died and I buried it in oblivion … It was there when you appeared, when you woke up my sleeping dreams, bathing my body in new fantasies and games never lived. You came breaking into my life, destabilizing emotions, destructuring my thoughts, tearing down the shell of my soul. I am going to play myself for you, I am going to love you slowly, awakening the fire in your insides caressing every hidden place in your body that they have never caressed. Kissing melodies that emanate from your lips creating castles of indestructible passion, of eternal love … I know that you are that tender man who will shelter my fears, I know that between you and I there is no one, there is only the future of a new love.

Poem Love Letter

13. I love you! And it is not:
an anniversary I love you,
a commitment
I love you,
a customary love you, a hurried love you,
a I love you too …

I love you! And it is like this:
I love you in love,
I love you ecstatic,
I love you too much,
I love you generous,
I love you just because.

I love you!
with a? I love you?
pronounced by the lips
but cried with the heart.

I love you!
with a? I love you?
so divine, as human
as anyone ever imagined.

14. Your kisses have become my biggest addiction,
making me think about them daily for no reason,
wanting to receive them at all times, no matter how
impossible it is to live without being able to have them.
I have fallen in love with the way you kiss,
making me dream of them incessantly,
you have a hidden art that you must show,
to people who know how to love you.

15. What can I say you do not know? I could list your virtues, and I would not finish in time, I could relate my longings, but I do not miss you if you exist, I could even die of love, but dead I would still love you.

16. We will live in a castle made with loves sustained by sweetness protected with confidence built with happiness We will live in our castle never to leave.

17. Hug me, protect me I need you surround me with your arms fill me with your kisses I need you talk to me, listen to me wait for me, forgive me I need you.

18. What can I say you do not know?
I could list your virtues,
and I would not finish in time, I
could relate my longings,
but I do not miss you if you exist, I
could even die of love,
but dead I would still love you.

19. Don’t promise me castles or teach me futures, just let me enjoy now because now is when I need you, tomorrow it may be late, give me your love now, give me your love now.

20. A kiss from your mouth, two caresses I would give you, three hugs that show four times my joy and in the fifth symphony of my sixth thought, seven times I would tell you the eight letters of I love you, because nine times I live for you and ten times For you, I die

21. Everything happens, everything, only you have no control over it. Feelings flood the soul and they want to emerge, to go outside. Nobody answers, your heart beats and beats, the blood flows, but still nobody moves. Dark looks attract and love breaks non-existent barriers, things that only result from your crude attempt at conviction. Only for love does the soul surrender, only for love do dreams break, and, only for love, bodies lie dead. You want hugs and you pay a higher price than your soul, do you want more or just love to tighten your neck? Voices sound in the distance, thunder makes the earth rumble, but inside you everything is silence. Your body trembles in the rain, another lightning strikes, two follow. What will the world become if there is no God?

22. Silence and forgiveness with promises and dreams failing you or making you happy I love you in all the ways even though sometimes I don’t deserve your love.