
How to make a cake from your wedding money yourself

The wedding is not complete without guests who create and maintain an atmosphere of fun, happiness, and inner harmony. All the invitees do not come empty-handed, but with gifts.

Previously, it was customary to give household items as gifts, which will come in handy on the farm. Now this option has receded into the background.

How to give money to newlyweds?

Increasingly, newlyweds are given money that they spend at their discretion. Someone covers their loans, someone goes on a honeymoon trip, but for someone, this money becomes the first serious contribution for the first real estate in life.

Of course, you shouldn’t even talk about what important and necessary gift money is. Everyone understands this. However, giving them in an envelope is completely banal and simple. By the end of the evening, the young couple no longer remembers where the whose envelope is, so everything is the same and boring.

You need to put your soul into any gift. Then it will turn out to be personal and something intimate.

Absolutely all newlyweds will be pleased with large banknotes. Without them, it is impossible to imagine a full-fledged existence.

The question at the wedding is not about the gift itself, since everything has been decided with it, but about how to give it.

Diy wedding cake.

If you want your bills to be remembered by young people for a long time, then you have several options.

  1. Combine banknotes and fresh flowers with each other. Ask the florist to make a simple imitation of flowers next to each bud, tightly tying paper with a living plant. In this case, you will receive the most interesting bouquet, filled with both money and real flower plants.
  2. Balloons – Everyone loves flying balloons. They remind us of childhood, carelessness and a complete sense of happiness. You can put banknotes in each balloon, fill it with helium.
  3. Imagine banknotes are candy that needs to be neatly wrapped in a bright and shiny package. Thus, you can pack all your bills by placing them in a pre-prepared box.
  4. The box is a great gift that will be useful to newlyweds for a long memory. You can write “On vacation” or “For a car” on it. Do not forget to put bills in your box, having said in advance that you made the first installment.
  5. A bank with money – it is not at all necessary to hand over bills in some exquisite way, you can make it much easier, namely, give a glass jar in which to put money. On the bank itself, you can write symbolic inscriptions “For a happy life”, “For children” and so on. Choose what is closest to the newlyweds.
  6. Money cake will help the newlyweds to cheer up, it will cheer them up. Besides, such a sweetness can be made from fake money. Thus, the gift will remain for a long memory.

How to make a cash gift with your own hands?

Wedding money cake photo.

If you decide to make a cake and give it to a young family, then you should think about how you can create it with your own hands.

Get ready to work, it won’t be too hard. Be patient and you will succeed. Also, think about what tools you need to work with.

What do you need?

  1. Cardboard.
  2. A4 sheets of white paper.
  3. Paper clips.
  4. Glue.
  5. Scotch.
  6. Red bows, multi-colored ribbons.
  7. Additional decorative elements.
  8. Money.

It is worth immediately deciding on the account of banknotes, you can use real or artificial money. And in fact, and another case, you will receive both positive and negative points.

If you will use real banknotes, then be sure to warn the young family about this. They should know that they should be extremely careful when parsing a cake with money.

Work progress

The instruction itself won’t be too complicated. Even a child can do it. You just need to follow the plan. In addition, carry out the work as accurately and accurately as possible, so that in the end you get a decent job, which you will not be ashamed to give the newlyweds as a gift.

  1. Using cardboard, you can make a base. There may be several of them. It is best to make a multi-tiered cake by stacking one cake on top of each other. The cakes are made quite simply using ordinary cardboard. It can be easily bent into an oval shape. At the same time, it is imperative to attach the base, you can fix it using a special cardboard bottom.
  2. Take the bills and roll them neatly.
  3. Secure the money with paper clips to the sides of the cake. As a result, you will have a sweetness with banknotes on the sides.
  4. Place the tiers of the cake one on top of the other, securing all this with ordinary glue. In doing so, be careful not to damage real banknotes.
  5. As a result, you will have a multi-tiered cake, fastened to each other firmly.
  6. You can decorate the finished version of the sweets with the help of special decorative elements. Most often, ordinary bows or beautiful ribbons are used.

Important! The color of the ribbons should be selected based on the bills used. If you are using dollar money, then bright colors will suit you. For example, red or purple.

If you use bills, they look bright enough, so you need to play in contrast, using green or dark tones.

To get the most intriguing and original gift, you can put chocolate candy on each bill. It will be bright.

How to complement the money cake?

Money cake for a wedding.

If you think that giving just one delicacy is not enough, you need to think about what an additional present might be. There are a large number of them, as an option, the following presents can be used.

  1. Congratulatory speech – of course, when you give a gift to the newlyweds, you will not just be silent. Therefore, it is worth immediately thinking over a simple preparatory speech. It can be in both prosaic and poetic form.
  2. Toast – if you want to say not an ordinary congratulation, but a toast, then it would be best to use the words prepared in advance. With their help, you will be able to either touch the guests, or vice versa, make them laugh. Choose the option that is most appropriate for you.


You can choose an acceptable decor option from a photo of money cakes.


A cake made from money for a wedding is a bright and original gift that will be remembered by the newlyweds and guests for a long time.

In addition, do not forget to say that thanks to such sweetness, the new family will always have financial well-being and a complete feeling of happiness.