
Fun Marriage Questions

In between preparatory, choice of wedding dresses, tasting dishes and choice of decoration for marriage, probably have not thought about the games for your wedding. Fun marriage questions moment is one of the most fun of the party, since it is the instance in which the guests share and enjoy the celebration.

Questions To Ask Your Spouse

Do you know the shoe game? It is a favorite of the bride and groom, mainly because it makes a lot of laughs and because the newlyweds are total protagonists. Here the bride can take advantage of wearing her wedding dress with lace or other chosen design, since together with her partner they are the center of attention of the party.

What is it about?

The game basically consists of the couple sitting on their backs with each other , with a shoe of their own in one hand and one of the other in the other hand. They must choose a guest to read some questions aloud; According to the question,  the bride and groom should lift the shoe they consider correct . For example, who is better at sleeping? Then they should lift the shoe of the groom or the bride, according to who suffers more from separating from the pillow every morning. Then they turn to see if they agreed with the answer.

Here are some questions that can be useful for the shoe game.

Questions about the relationship

This item will serve to know how the bride and groom are related and also other details, such as the beginnings of romance and the first beautiful phrases of love, long before they thought about marriage cakes and other wedding preparations.

  • 1. Who took the first step?
  • 2. Who asked for pololeo?
  • 3. Who said “I love you” first?
  • 4. Who chose the place of the first date?
  • 5. Who is more romantic?
  • 6. Who introduced the parents first?​​
Fun Marriage Questions

Questions about the personalities of the bride and groom

This is where  the funniest questions appear and where the closest guests are sure to enjoy the most, also trying to guess the answers.

  • 7. Who is more vain?
  • 8. Who is the most fighter?
  • 9. Who is more clueless?
  • 10. Who is more spontaneous?
  • 11. Who has more style?
  • 12. Who is more consumerist?
  • 13. Who is more unpunctual?
  • 14. Who makes the best birthday presents?
  • 15. Who has a better sense of humor?
  • 16. Who is better to talk on the phone?
  • 17. Who is more smarty?
  • 18. Who is more sickly?
  • 19. Who was the most naughty in school?
  • 20. Who is more proud?
  • 21. Who is better at taxiing?
  • 22. Who is more stubborn?
  • 23. Who drives better?
  • 24. Who is more addicted to social networks?
  • 25 Who smokes or drinks more?​​

Questions about living together

These questions can be considered by the bride and groom who have lived together before exchanging the gold rings. They will also laugh out loud!

  • 26. Who cooks better?
  • 27. Who is more messy?
  • 28. Who gives the longest showers?
  • 29. Who is better at collecting things?
  • 30. Who drinks more coffee?
  • 31. Who has more clothes in the closet?
  • 32. Who chooses movies to go to the movies?
  • 33. Who has the control of the TV control?
  • 34. Who has the best dating ideas?
  • 35. Who is better at fighting a spider in the bathroom?
  • 36. Who is better at sleeping?
  • 37. Who snores louder?
  • 38. Who is more organized?​​

Questions about marriage preparation

Finally, the fun marriage questions regarding the celebration itself. Ideal to know the details prior to the party, who chose the wedding ornaments and other unknown data of the celebration.

  • 39. Who asked for marriage?
  • 40. Who chose your outfit first?
  • 41. Who invited more people?
  • 42. Who chose the menu?
  • 43. Who chose the style of decoration?
  • 44. Who took longer to fix?
  • 45. Who chose the dance song?

A fun marriage questions game that, without a doubt, will make you have a fun time and forget all the stress of choosing bridal hairstyles or deciding whether or not to have a  backless wedding dress. Now you just have to enjoy!