
Bride Ransom Scenario: Cool and Modern Event Plan

Wedding scenarios are constantly changing. The following tendency is visible – over several years, some national rite has been supplanted by Western traditions, and then it again comes into fashion. This happened with the ancient rite of ransom for the bride.

In the past eight years, it has been rapidly gaining popularity, and couples preparing for the wedding are actively interested in it. In this post, we’ll take a look at what a cool bride buyout scenario can be at a modern wedding.

The meaning of tradition

The ransom of the bride exists among many nations. Historians claim that even during the existence of the tribes, a ransom had to be paid for a bride belonging to another tribe. But such a development of events resembles a kalam, which still exists in many countries of the world.

In the world, the ransom of the bride has long had a different meaning. All the actions of the relatives and friends of the newlyweds were aimed at protecting the young couple with the help of certain actions from the damage and anger of envious people, as well as the dirty tricks of demons, which our ancestors feared and were wary of.

In the list of the most important rituals in a person’s life, the ransom of the bride took an honorable second place, yielding primacy only to the birth and baptism of a baby.

In ancient times, people believed that the louder and happier the ransom ritual is carried out, the greater the distance from the newlyweds it will be possible to drive away evil spirits. Therefore, relatives and neighbors of the bride, as well as young people, gathered and arranged obstacles for the groom, in order not only to check his willingness to marry the chosen one but to noisily and joyfully escort him to his chosen one.

To confuse the evil spirits, fake brides were finally prepared. The bride, her friends, and several old women were seated in one row, and then each was covered with large scarves. The groom had to guess who his betrothed was.

Having passed all the tests, he was offered to buy out a place near his chosen one. He paid several coins, and the young couple was seated on one pillow under the icons, and all the guests were invited to the table.

Modern rules and ideas for the foreclosure

Over time, the ransom rite has significantly transformed. It is carried out when the groom, along with witnesses, arrives for the chosen one before the wedding ceremony. The ransom the bride, and sell her witnesses and girlfriends. Sometimes the wedding presenter conducts the ceremony, and the witnesses and friends of the newlyweds take an active part in it.

The groom and his witnesses will have to go through a series of tests, during which they will have to sing, dance, demonstrate strength, dexterity, and ingenuity. If they have coped with the task, then they go on, but no, then they pay off with the money, sweets, or alcoholic beverages. The complexity of the competition tasks depends on the fantasy of the girlfriends of the betrothed.

According to many professional wedding organizers, it is not necessary to carry out too long a ceremony, during which the bride will get tired of waiting, and her betrothed will be exhausted at numerous contests.

It is enough to prepare a script for 20-30 minutes. It should include a greeting, 3-5 fun contests, and a logical conclusion before the touching moment when the groom first sees his chosen ones in the bride’s outfit.

Options for ready-made ritual scenarios for the groom

We offer scenarios that can be carried out in an apartment building or a private house. It is necessary to think in advance where it is best to hold each competition.


Girlfriends need to find a guy to play the role of a fake groom – ridiculously dressed and with a bouquet of paper flowers. In addition, you will need a poster, a heart cut out of cardboard and divided into 4 parts, a general photograph of lovers, chalk, paper, a pen, scotch tape, and scissors.

When the groom and his friends come to his beloved, they are greeted by the witnesses with a short question: why did he come? On explanations about the purpose of the visit, they answer that already one applicant for their beautiful bride has arrived, and they point to a fake groom standing near the front door.

The groom, of course, begins to claim that he is real, and that type is fake. Girlfriends offer to check and show the groom the photo and ask him to tell about the life moment captured on it. The newlyweds easily cope with the task, and they will receive a fragment of the heart.

The next competition is for witnesses and friends of the groom. The girls say that their bride-friend is good to everyone: she is beautiful, clever, endowed with many talents. But what is good about the groom, is let his friends tell him, just without saying a word. They can only show.

Witnesses begin to show how the newlyweds dance, sing, hammer nails, etc. If they have shown few talents, then the newlywed corrects the situation with their generosity and will receive a fragment of the heart.

The next location is in front of the steps. Girls in advance, on each step, write words that are important for a strong marriage but change the letters in places. For example, instead of fidelity, it will be written with a curtain.

Leading the groom to the steps, they say: Let’s check if you know, without which strong and happy family life is impossible. One of the building blocks of a strong marriage is written on each step, and you need to name them correctly.

It is enough to write 7-8 words out of place. For example, love, loyalty, care, attention, tenderness, understanding, support. Having named all the words correctly, the newlywed gets a piece of heart, and for every mistake, they pay off with money or sweets.

The witness says that in Europe all newlyweds exchange vows before marriage, but has the groom prepared his oath? The newlyweds are recognized in the absence of such. The girlfriends continue: How not? You can’t do without an oath! We’ll have to write right now. We have already done part of the job by writing the most important words, they must be used.

The groom has 5 minutes and friends can help! At the same time, they give him a pen and a sheet of paper with the following words: coffee, fur coat, house, salary, children, etc. After listening to the oath, the girl hand over the last fragment of the heart and tell that his beloved is behind the door, on which the heart needs to be glued. They hand the witness tape and scissors.

The groom enters the apartment of his beloved and on one of the doors see an attached poster on which two connected hearts are drawn, and only one is painted over. He glues the fragments he earned into the contour of the second heart with adhesive tape. After that, he opens the door, and there is a beloved in a wedding dress.


The groom is met by a witness who solemnly says: Gentlemen, today you are taking part in the court hearing in the case and gives the groom’s surname, first name, and patronymic. All stand up, the trial is coming !. A friend appears, dressed in the robe of a judge. It is possible to rent a gown and a hat for a master’s degree.

The judge begins the session: Gentlemen! The case of the accused is being heard and the name of the groom is given. He is accused of the following crimes: he stole the heart of a wonderful girl – the name of the bride; takes her away from her parental home; deprives you of your maiden name. Defendant, pleads guilty to all charges? The groom gives an affirmative answer.

The court has witness testimony about the use of the following methods of influence on the defendant by the defendant: he gave flowers, sweets, and gifts, spoke tender words, and sighed very loudly under her windows. Witnesses confirm the earlier given testimony. The girlfriends amicably say: yes, your honor!

Since the defendant has confessed, the court will take into account his cooperation with the investigation. We have the fairest court in the world! Therefore, we do not accept bribes, but we appreciate the generosity of the defendant. It’s time for the groom to present the stored sweets, champagne, or money.

Begin competitions held in different places. The groom is taken to a poster on which joint photographs with his beloved, taken at different times, are pasted on. The judge says: Defendant, give your testimony on all the facts in the case. For each false testimony, you will have to pay a fine to the court. The groom has to say, and when, where each photo was taken.

At the next location, the judge announces the recognition of the bride’s kiss fingerprint. A positive result will be able to mitigate the sentence, while a negative result will cost double the ransom. The witness gives the groom a few sheets of paper on which was a trace of lipstick, a kiss in time, made the bride, oh and her make friends kami.

The last contest was conducted floor the below the apartments culprits celebrations. The judge announces: the verdict will be influenced by the results of the investigative experiment, during which the accused must show how he charmed the beautiful bride. Before climbing one step up, you need to say a compliment or an affectionate appeal to your beloved. The groom is being tested.

The judge brings the groom to the door of the bride’s room and says: The accused convinced the court of the sincerity of his feelings. If his beloved confirms the reciprocity of feelings, then he will be justified here and now. The court will evaluate the reaction of the lovers during the first meeting as bride and groom. The groom enters the room. The judge announces the verdict that the accused is fully acquitted and wishes the couple a happy family life. Friends on both sides applaud the fair verdict.


The main purpose of the newlywed ransom ceremony is to add vivid positive emotions at the beginning of the most important day in the life of a young couple.

The ransom ceremony will be fun and on a positive wave, when it will not be too long and oversaturated with banal contests. We hope our scripts will help you prepare a ceremony that you enjoy.

We wish you a happy wedding!